Leaders endorsed the following initiatives at the 52nd Pacific Islands Forum held in Rarotonga, Cook Islands from 6-10 November:
- Implementation Plan for the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent
- Pacific Partnerships for Properity [PPfP]
- Declaration on the Establishment of the Pacific Resilience Facility
- Pacific Regional Framework on Climate Mobility
- 2023 Pacific Islands Forum Declaration on the Continuity of Statehood and the Protection of Persons Affected by Climate Change-Related Sea-level Rise
- Revitalised Pacific Leaders Gender Equality Declaration

Leaders endorsed the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent at the 51st Pacific Islands Forum meeting held in Suva, Fiji from 11-14 July 2022 – the first face to face meeting since 2019.

Inaugural Pacific Women Leaders Meeting held on 9 June 2022.

First Pacific Islands Forum Leaders virtual meeting – 5 August 2021 where Leaders endorsed the Declaration on Preserving Maritime Zones in the Face of Climate-Change Related Sea-Level Rise.

A Special Meeting of the Forum Foreign Ministers on 7 April 2020 agreed to the establishment of the Pacific Humanitarian Pathway for COVID19 Pandemic [PHP-C] invoked through the Biketawa Declaration for assistance to Forum members.

Leaders endorse the Kainaki II Declaration for Urgent Climate Change Action Now at the 50th Pacific Islands Forum in Tuvalu from 13-16 August 2019.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres visits the Secretariat and meets with Forum Leaders in Suva on 15 May 2019.

Leaders endorsed the Regional Security Declaration known as the Boe Declaration at the 49th Pacific Islands Forum meeting held in Nauru from 3-6 September 2018.

Leaders endorsed the “the Blue Pacific” identity as the catalyst for deeper Pacific regionalism at the 48th Pacific Islands Forum in Samoa from 5-8 September 2017.

RAMSI (Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands) concludes: 24 July 2003 – 30 June 2017.

New Caledonia and French Polynesia admitted as Full Forum Members at the 47th Pacific Islands Forum held in Federated States of Micronesia from 7-11 September 2016.

Historical First Standing Meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum Foreign Ministers on 12 August 2016

- Inaugural meeting of the Joint Steering Committee for the Analysis of Governance and Financing
- Historic First Standing Meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum Foreign Ministers in Suva – August 12
- Federated States of Micronesia joins the Smaller Islands States (SIS) Grouping
- New Caledonia and French Polynesia join as Full Forum Members
- Germany joins as the 18th Post Forum Dialogue partner
- SSCR through the FPR identified five issues, which warranted Leaders’ consideration: Fisheries, Climate Change, Information
- Communications Technologies, Cervical cancer, West Papua
- Leaders endorsed the Hiri Declaration on Strengthening Connections to Enhance Pacific Regionalism
- First Pacific Civil Society Organisations held in the margins of the Forum Leaders meeting Forum Leaders meeting
- Secretariat undertakes a reform on its operations
Leaders made an Historical decision in appointing the first ever female Secretary General – Dame Meg Taylor (PNG national) on July 31
Leaders endorsed the Palau Declaration “The Ocean: Life & Future” Charting a Course to Sustainability
Leaders agreed to admit Spain and Turkey to Post-Forum Dialogue Partner membership to take immediate effect
Leaders admitted Tokelau as an Associate Member and extended an invitation to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) to become an Observer in the Forum
Leaders endorsed the “Framework for Pacific Regionalism” (replaces the Pacific Plan) which will improve priority setting and support a real focus on initiatives that can make a significant difference to the region
Spain and Turkey joined the Post Forum Dialogue Partners
Nauru Signs and Ratifies PICTA Trade in Services Protocol (Aug 20 2013) On 5th September, Leaders adopted the Majuro Declaration for Climate Change.
Leaders endorsed the ‘Pacific Leaders Gender Equality Declaration’.
- Lecture Series for the 40th Anniversary conducted in Port Vila and Suva
- Leaders adopted the Waiheke Declaration on Sustainable Economic Development
- Forum Leaders’ passed a Statement on NonCommunicable Diseases
- The first ever attendance at the Forum Leaders meeting by a Secretary-General of the UN – Mr Ban Ki Moon
- Joint Statement of Pacific Islands Forum Leaders & the Secretary-General of the United Nations…. Emphasised the value of cooperation between the UN system and the PIFS
- The Secretary General Tuiloma Neroni Slade appointed as the Pacific region’s first Ocean Commissioner
Adoption of the Port Vila Declaration on MDG’s Cairns Compact Peer Reviews Establishment of the Pacific Environment Community Fund (PEC FUND).

Adoption of the Cairns Compact on Strengthening Development Coordination in the Pacific Adoption of the Pacific Regional Strategy on Disability.
Adoption of the Niue Declaration on Climate Change.
Adoption of the Vava’u Declaration on Pacific Fisheries Italy joined the Post Forum Dialogue Partners.
- Leaders approved the application of New Caledonia and French Polynesia for associate membership of the Forum. They invited Wallis and Futuna, the United Nations, Commonwealth Secretariat and Asian Development Bank to become Forum observers
- PIFS signed the Development Cooperation Framework Action Plan with Government of Thailand
- India joined the Post Forum Dialogue Partners
- Leaders adopted the Pacific Plan
- Agreement establishing the Pacific Islands Forum
- Leaders also agreed to adopt a new policy regarding admission, criteria and entitlements for associate membership and observer status in the Forum, to take effect from the 2005 Forum
- Leaders welcomed Tokelau’s admission to Forum observer status
- Adoption of the Auckland Declaration at the special leaders retreat, 6 April 2004
- Adopted ‘Leaders Vision’ at the special leaders retreat, 6 April 2004
- Leaders endorsed the HIV/AIDS Regional Strategy
- Leaders endorsed the Pacific Regional Assistance to Nauru (PRAN)
- French Polynesia joins Forum as an Observer

- Leaders endorsed the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI)
- Leaders adopted the Forum Principles of Good Leadership
- Leaders endorsed the Pacific Islands Air Services Agreement (PIASA) for signature
- Thailand joined the Post Forum Dialogue Partners
Adoption of the Nasonini Declaration on Regional Security Adoption of the Pacific Oceans Policy Leaders welcome East Timor as Special Observer.
- Adoption of the Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA)
- Pacific Agreement of Closer Economic Relations (PACER). PICTA & PACER open for signature 18 August 2001
- First Forum Election Observer Mission – Solomon Islands

- PALM 2000 Summit between Japan the Forum Countries
- Adoption of the Biketawa Declaration
- Leaders adopt the new Agreement Establishing the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
- Philippines joined the Post Forum Dialogue Partners
- New Caledonia joins the Forum as an observer
- Leaders agreed on a new name for the Forum – ‘Pacific Islands Forum’
- Leaders endorsed in principle a Free Trade Area among Forum members
- Leaders agreed to adopt “Forum Vision for the Pacific Information Economy”
- Adoption of the Aitutaki Declaration on Regional Security Cooperation by the Forum
- First Forum Economic Ministers Meeting (FEMM) held in Cairns, Australia 11 July 1997
- Malaysia joined the Post Forum Dialogue Partners
- Inaugural South Pacific Japan Leaders’ Summit held in October 1997, Tokyo

- Agreement on establishment of the Pacific Islands Centre – Japan, Tokyo
- 27th Forum theme: Regional Solidarity for the Common Good – Leaders agreed in line with the theme to jointly to pursue with a number of specific goals
- Inaugural meeting of the Association of Pacific Islands Maritime Training Institution and Maritime Authorities – April 9-12 1996
- Phasing out of all Secretariat Technical Programme at the end of 1996

- Adoption of the Waigani Convention
- Leaders adopted the South Pacific Forum Vision Statement
- Leaders adopted a Plan of Action on the theme “Securing Development Beyond 2000”
- Palau joins the Forum
- Japan and Korea joined the Post Forum Dialogue Partners
- Forum gains Observer Status at the United Nations
- The Forum endorsed the Suva Declaration on Sustainable Human Development in the Pacific and underlined the importance of the quality of family life in the context of Pacific Island cultures
- Adoption of the Declaration on Regional Security Cooperation in the Pacific by the Forum (Honiara Declaration)
- Inaugural Summit of the Smaller Island State Leaders was held in Rarotonga, Cook Islands on 16-17 January 1992

South Pacific Forum Secretariat Agreement The Forum recognized the special development requirements of the Smaller Island State.

Establishment of the Forum Ministerial Committee on New Caledonia by the Forum China joined the Post Forum Dialogue Partners.
- Formation of the Post Forum Dialogue process Countries attended first meeting are Canada, France, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States
- Establishment of the South Pacific Organisations Coordinating Committee (Name changed to Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific in 1999)
- Adoption of the Tarawa Declaration on Drift Net fishing
Federated States of Micronesia and Republic of Marshall Islands joins the Forum as Full Members.
Adoption of the South Pacific Nuclear Zone Treaty by the Forum.

Water Supply Projects (under the Norwegian Aid) South Pacific Telecommunications Development Programme commenced.
The Forum adopted the resolution on the Law of the Sea Convention Establishment of the Energy Unit at SPEC.
SPARTECA entered into force on 1 January 1981.

Adoption of the South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreements (SPARTECA) Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) joins the Forum as a full member.
- Establishment of the South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency
- New Hebrides joins the Forum as an Observer
- South Pacific Trade Commission set up (with in Sydney)
- Agreement on Association of South Pacific Airlines (ASPA)

Solomon Islands and Tuvalu joins the Forum.
- Adopted the Declaration on the Law of the Sea
- Considered an establishment of a Regional Fisheries Agency
- Kiribati (formerly Gilbert Islands) joins the Forum
- Establishment of SPEC Fellowships (for Island trainees)
Leaders agreed to establish the Pacific Forum Line at the Nauru Leaders Forum Disaster Fund established.

Niue joins the Forum as a full member Regional Natural Disaster Relief Fund formalised.

Leaders agreed to establish a Regional Shipping Council Papua New Guinea joins the Forum as a full member.
An area of Crown Land made available to SPEC by the Government of Fiji South Pacific Bureau for Economic Cooperation (SPEC) Agreement formulated & signed.
Establishment of the South Pacific Bureau for Economic Cooperation (name changed to Forum Secretariat in 1981).

Formation of the South Pacific Forum (Original members were Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Nauru, New Zealand, Tonga and Western Samoa).