The regional security environment is becoming increasingly crowded and complex
Our ambition is for a peaceful, safe and secure Blue Pacific region which respects national sovereignty, and where people can realise their full potential as individuals, communities and nations. Where the region delivers Pacific-coordinated responses to security challenges and contributes to building global peace and security.

The Blue Pacific Continent remains committed to principles of democracy, good governance, and non-interference in national affairs.
Our Work
The Pacific region recognises an expanded concept of security that includes human security, economic security, humanitarian assistance, environmental security, cyber security and transnational crime, and regional cooperation to build resilience to disasters and climate change.
Through the 2050 Strategy, Forum Leaders reiterated their commitment to protect Pacific peoples and places by having a more flexible and responsive regional security system that acknowledges the breadth of issues impacting peace and security in our region, and the contribution the region makes in international fora to progressing global peace and security.
The Forum Secretariat works with Members to cooperatively uphold regional peace and security, and support international peace and security efforts, in the face of complex global challenges and relationships.
Forum Leaders’ Declarations that guide the region are:
- 1992 Honiara Declaration on Law Enforcement Cooperation: recognises that an adverse law enforcement environment could threaten the sovereignty, security and economic integrity of Forum members and jeopardise economic and social development.
- 1997 Aitutaki Declaration on Regional Security Cooperation: provides principles governing security cooperation in the region.
- 2000 Biketawa Declaration: sets the framework for regional crisis management and conflict resolution initiatives.
- 2002 Nasonini Declaration on Regional Security: recognises the need for immediate and sustained regional action in response to the current regional security environment
The 2018 Boe Declaration on Regional Security affirms an expanded concept of security.
This is supported by the 2019 Boe Declaration Action Plan which gives a broad framework to aid Forum Members in implementation.

Climate Security
Pacific Leaders recognise that climate change is the “single greatest threat” to the security of the people of the Pacific.
This region is uniquely vulnerable to worsening climate risks, which threaten to cause irreversible economic, social, cultural, and environmental damage. Some of the most pressing climate change impacts in the Pacific include increased annual surface temperatures; sea level rise; saltwater intrusion; coastal erosion; and increased intensity of extreme weather events.
Collectively, these impacts are expected to increase water, land and food insecurity and undermine livelihoods and economic growth by hitting key sectors such as tourism, aquaculture, and agriculture, as well as straining infrastructure.

Cybercrime increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and while initiatives to support Pacific Islands Countries to safely navigate cyberspace are increasingly available, a capability gap remains. Cyberattacks have had significant social and economic consequences at all levels of the community, disrupting critical services, impeding economic activity and resulting in financial losses.
"Only 45% of the Pacific population had access to a 4G mobile network or better, in 2021. And where we do have good access to these networks, we are facing new and rapidly evolving risks to our security" - Secretary General Henry Puna, Launch of the USAID Digital Connectivity and Cybersecurity Partnership, 17 August 2023
The Forum Secretariat assists Forum Members to implement the Boe Declaration Action Plan and the 2050 Strategy Implementation Plan. Both are complementary, and both outline priority regional security-related actions for Forum Members.
Peace and security-related Regional Collective Actions of the 2050 Strategy Implementation Plan include:
- Review the Boe Declaration Action Plan and regional security architecture to align with the requirements of the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific and the Pacific leaders Gender Equality Declaration, enhance strategic guidance for regional security efforts, and strengthen and accelerate Member’s implementation of regional security policies and commitments.
- Complete national climate security assessment profiles and commence incorporation of climate security related outcomes under national development plans (NDPs).
- Develop a flexible, inclusive and responsive Regional Security Mechanism to address peace building approaches and the priorities outlined in the Boe Declaration on Regional Security Priorities.
- Explore ways to strengthen ownership and coordination between the Regional Security Secretariats.
- Develop a systematic, effective, inclusive and efficient process for PIF to engage in global security discussions to enhance intra and extra-regional understanding and shaping of Pacific security priority areas.
- Ensuring the full, equal, effective, and meaningful participation of women and girls in all their diversity at every stage of peace processes, conflict prevention, conflict resolution and peacebuilding for peace and security.
- Enhance the ability of members to contribute to global and regional peace and security by strengthening security capabilities.
The Forum Secretariat supports Members with the development of knowledge products on regional security priorities:
The Forum Secretariat supports Forum Members to advocate for Pacific regional security priorities across the globe.
REMARKS: Statement of Pacific Islands Forum SG Henry Puna on November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, IDEVAW
RELEASE: Foreign Ministers Celebrate Success of the Pacific Humanitarian Pathway on COVID-19
REMARKS: PIF DSG Esala Nayasi at the PITA Strategy Forum
REMARKS: SG Puna keynote to Pacific Cyber Capacity building, Coordination Conference
REMARKS: Kiribati statement at UN Commemoration of the International Day for Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
RELEASE: Pacific Islands Forum Foreign Ministers issue statement on Fukushima
REMARKS: PIF SG at the International Day against Nuclear Tests
REMARKS: Address by Secretary General Henry Puna at the Pacific ICT Ministerial Meeting
REMARKS: SG Puna at the Launch of the USAID Digital Connectivity and Cybersecurity Partnership- Pacific.
REMARKS: SG Puna to Pre-UNCAC COSP Conference