The 2050 Strategy sets out our long-term approach to working together as a region.
The success of the 2050 Strategy depends on enhanced cooperation, strong leadership and the continued participation at all levels of society in its implementation. We seek the broadest support possible across our region to ensure full ownership and accountability in delivering on our shared objectives. This is our 2050 Strategy, and we will drive and deliver it together for the benefit of all Pacific peoples.
As Pacific Leaders, our vision is for a resilient Pacific Region of peace, harmony, security, social inclusion and prosperity, that ensures all Pacific peoples can lead free, healthy and productive lives.
Foreword to the 2050 Strategy
The Blue Pacific Continent is our home, ocean, lands and common heritage.
As Pacific Leaders, we are strongly committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of our people, and to human rights and equity for all. We place great value on our ocean and land, and celebrate a deep connection to our community, natural environment, resources, livelihoods, faiths, cultural values and traditional knowledge.
We work with our people to deliver on a vision that they will help to nurture. We welcome the support of our national and regional institutions in these efforts. We have often taken on challenges much bigger than ourselves. Many of our nations have gained political independence and have set new paths for their future. Our governance is maturing, and our people have much higher expectations of transparency and accountability. Our public services are supporting a gradual improvement of our wellbeing and quality of life. Much work remains, yet we are confident of success.
Leaders Commitment to 2050
As large oceanic countries and territories, we are the custodians of nearly 20 percent of the earth’s surface, and we place great cultural and spiritual value on our ocean and land, as our common heritage.
We occupy a vitally significant place in global strategic terms. As a consequence, heightened geopolitical competition impacts our Member countries. Further, there is increasing commercial and state-sponsored interest in our region’s ecological and natural resources. This is reflected in the global community’s present interest in the “Blue Economy” and suggests that there will be growing demand for our resources over the years to come.
Under current trends global temperature rise will exceed 1.5°C before 2040 and 2°C between 2041 and 2060 unless there are rapid, deep and sustained reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions1. To avert and manage the worst-case scenarios requires urgent, robust and transformative action globally, regionally and nationally. While collective greenhouse gas emissions from the Blue Pacific Continent is just over 1%2 of global emissions, we are at the frontline of the adverse impacts of climate change. Harnessing untapped potential for policy interventions to enhance carbon sequestration of the ecosystems and Exclusive Economic Zones of the Blue Pacific Continent could generate substantial climate benefits. The Blue Pacific Continent continues to experience damaging impacts of climate change and requires timely access to scaled-up, effective and sustainable climate finance.
The Opportunity to Shape our Future
To leverage this strategic and economic value and at the same time address our most significant threats, including climate change, we are deeply committed to working together whilst ensuring that our regional efforts complement the national interests of our Members. As the Blue Pacific Continent we engage with our partners from a position of strength, unity and solidarity on matters of collective interest.
We will prepare and position ourselves through technology, scientifically-based research, cultural values and traditional knowledge, and equitable partnerships to secure our ocean and derive economic benefits from its resources in a manner that will maintain environmental integrity and drive sustainable economic prosperity and development for all Pacific peoples.
We will continue to collectively support each other in our shared responsibilities through both positive and challenging times. Furthermore, it is vital to our Blue Pacific Identity that we resolve any challenges or disputes in our own unique Pacific Way involving consensus-based decision making, whilst respecting sovereignty and the principle of non-interference in national affairs. Above all, our efforts must always lead and contribute to the security, prosperity and wellbeing of our people.
The 2050 Strategy is our opportunity to engage with and shape the most significant dynamics and influences on our region, in order to secure our long-term wellbeing and prosperity. Through the Strategy, we will ensure we are resilient and ‘future-ready’ by being able to anticipate, prepare for and respond to hazardous climate events, geopolitical and security trends, and other unanticipated shocks.
Thematic Areas
Our ambition is for a region where all Pacific peoples benefit from our Forum Leaders working together to safeguard, secure, and progress the Blue Pacific Continent.
Where we achieve regional priorities through a united and cohesive political leadership supported by the Pacific Islands Forum and a responsive regional architecture that aligns to the region’s priorities and values. A region where our Partners recognise and respect our collective approach as the Blue Pacific Continent.
Our ambition is for a region where all Pacific peoples continue this attachment to land and ocean and are assured safety, security, gender equality, and access to education, health, sport and other services, so that no one is left behind.
Our ambition is for a peaceful, safe and secure Blue Pacific region which respects national sovereignty, and where people can realise their full potential as individuals, communities and nations. Where the region delivers Pacific-coordinated responses to security challenges and contributes to building global peace and security.
Our ambition is for all Pacific peoples to benefit from a sustainable and resilient model of economic development. This includes enabling public policy and a vibrant private sector and others, that brings improved socio-economic wellbeing by ensuring access to employment, entrepreneurship, trade, and investment in the region.
Our ambition is that all Pacific peoples remain resilient to the impacts of climate change and disasters and are able to lead safe, secure and prosperous lives. In addition, the region continues to play a leadership role in global climate action.
Our ambition is for all Pacific peoples to live in a sustainably managed Blue Pacific Continent, while steadfastly maintaining resilience to threats to our environment
Our ambition is that all Pacific peoples benefit from access to affordable, safe and reliable land, air and sea transport and ICT infrastructure, and systems and operations, while ensuring culturally sensitive user-protection and cyber security.

2050 Strategy Implementation Plan
This is the first phase of the implementation of the 2050 Strategy, setting out specific goals, outcomes and regional collective actions to achieve the long-term vision.
The Implementation Plan:
- outlines the roles of Partners and key stakeholders
- proposes a resource mobilization framework and a monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) framework to track progress
- proposes a risk management approach to mitigate risks and constraints that may hinder the achievement of our desired outcomes.
Meet our #MyBluePacific2050 Ambassadors
These Youth Ambassadors from across the region share their visions for our future: Nicole Yamase, Federated States of Micronesia; George William, Vanuatu; Luther Berg, Cook Islands; Moemoana Schwenke, Samoa; Millicent Barty, Solomon Islands; Ioane Hawaii, Tuvalu; and Claret Chong Gum, Republic of Marshall Islands.
#MyBluePacific2050 Social Media Competition
To engage with Pacific youth on our 2050 vision, the Forum Secretariat ran a social media competition. The prize for three winners was to attend the 52nd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in the Cook Islands as Social Media Youth Correspondents. Seen by more than 1.5 million people, this campaign raised up the voices of our young people and their aspirations for our Blue Pacific.
Micronesia: Gerdi Raimon, Kiribati.
Gerdi is 25 years old and a garbologist for the Kiribati Ministry of Environment. “I believe in today’s generation; we are change makers of today and tomorrow. To a bluer Pacific Continent, we are small islands, but we’ve got great potential. My vision for 2050 is for us to live, prosper and thrive in a place, in a community, that is resilient to the impacts of climate change.”
Melanesia: Pita Loloma, Fiji
Pita is 29 years old and interning with the Pacific Community (SPC) Aquaculture Division after graduating from Fiji National University. “My vision for our Blue Continent is the preservation and restoration of our marine resources that we are relying on for food, economic opportunities and that hold such an important place in our culture.”
Polynesia: Ciccone Hakaraia-Turner, New Zealand
Ciccone is 20 years old and a Business student at the Auckland University of Technology. “I believe it’s important to make sure we’re doing our part to look after Papatūānuku (Mother Earth) so our tamariki (children) and mokopuna (grandchildren) can also feel the beauty that we all have felt growing up.