REMARKS: PIF SG Baron Waqa at CHOGM Side Event on Kava -The Green Gold of the Pacific

24 October 2024

Delivered by the Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum, Baron Waqa

at the 27th Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting Side Event on KAVA: The Green Gold of the Pacific

24 October 2024, Apia, Samoa. 


The Honourable Leota Laki Lamositele Sio, Minister of Commerce, Industries and Labour of Samoa.

His Excellency Georges Maniuri, Vanuatu Ambassador to Belgium, the EU and Chair of the Supply Side Cluster of the CCA

Senior Director Trade Oceans and Natural Resources of the Commonwealth Secretariat, Mr. Suresh Yadav

Distinguished representatives of the Diplomatic Corp

Representatives of the Private Sector

Senior Officials

Ladies and Gentlemen


I am honoured to address you today as we gather at the side event for KAVA: the Green Gold of the Pacific. 


I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Government of Samoa for their gracious hosting and to the Governments of Fiji and Vanuatu in leading this side-event. It is both timely and provides an opportunity and platform to showcase the significance of KAVA to the Pacific region and its contribution to the livelihood of our Pacific people.


KAVA is unique to our Pacific region. It holds significant importance in our cultures and traditions, and it also constitute a significant share of the total export value for many of our Pacific countries. It has led to the empowerment of local communities through the supply chain, creating sustainable incomes and improving livelihoods, making KAVA as deeply valuable economically as it is socially.

In 2023, Pacific Islands Forum Trade Ministers endorsed the Regional KAVA Development Strategy. The successful launch of the KAVA Strategy at the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Tonga was a milestone for the Pacific region, underscoring concerted efforts in fostering this industry to maximise economic returns and other benefits for the Pacific. 


The KAVA Strategy walks the talk towards the vision of  the 2050 Strategy in securing our Blue Pacific future. It sits within the thematic area of Resources and Economic Development of the 2050 Strategy and aims to standardise the quality of KAVA across the region, enhance market access, and promote sustainable practices. I take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank our Pacific farmers, developers, scientists and the private sector for the decades of hard work and advocacy that has brought KAVA up to this point – where the world knows, accepts and is growing the market presence of KAVA

This humble plant is now providing the Pacific region the opportunity to further shape its future and to contribute to achieving the region’s shared socio-economic development aspirations enshrined in the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent.


KAVA cultivation contributes to 82% of household income in Fiji, 86% in Vanuatu and 73% in Tonga. The Kava industry has also seen a strong revival and economic surge in Samoa, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, and the Federated States of Micronesia. Estimates have been given that the global kava market could build to a billion-dollar industry. 

The growth of KAVA products beyond a beverage has been astounding, indicating the potential and pace of this industry. With your support, more can be done to boost the Pacific’s ownership and leadership of the global KAVA industry in the Pacific region as we continue to progress the vision of the KAVA Strategy.


I especially commend the Commonwealth Secretariat, whose connectivity agenda has supported our Pacific Islands Forum members to strengthen the evidence base of KAVA with digital data infrastructure for increased trade and investment. 


Digitisation will be the anchor for the future development of KAVA quality across production, trade and investment in the region. A model of Digital Public Infrastructure will be vital for a fully functioning and effective KAVA Strategy.

We are united and clear in our work to protect KAVA as a Geographical Indicator, and in continuing to broaden access to new markets for KAVA beyond its traditional uses.

In concluding, I wish to commend our development partners, in particular the Commonwealth Secretariat, the EU-PIFS SPIRIT Project, the EU-ITC-Business Friendly Project, the Pacific Community, Australia/New Zealand PHAMA Plus, and the World Intellectual Property Organisation for supporting us through the KAVA journey.


On behalf of the Pacific Islands Forum member countries, we welcome and look forward to further support from all our development partners and technical agencies in ensuring the successful implementation of the Regional KAVA Development Strategy. It is our hope, in the not-too-distant future, that all Commonwealth markets are open to KAVA and its derivatives. 


Itûba Tubwa, Fa’afetai, Thank you.