RELEASE: Forum SG Waqa, RMI ready for 2024 Women Leaders meeting

Media Releases and News
RMI, Regional
25 July 2024

ICC Majuro, 25th July 2024 -- Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General Baron Waqa says the Pacific Forum Women Leaders have had a 'front row seat' to the state of Gender, Equality, and Social Inclusion work around the region as they prepare for their 3rd Annual Forum Women Leaders Meeting on Friday 26th July.

He attended the 15th Triennial Conference for Pacific Women and the 8th Pacific Ministers for Women Meeting sessions as part of his first mission to RMI as the Pacific Islands Forum SG. The people of the Marshall Islands have made history, hosting the two SPC meetings and the third Forum Women Leaders one consecutively, in a Pacific first.

"It's been a privilege to observe and hear from those leading gender equality efforts in our community spaces and watching the connections through to the Ministerial voices we've heard today. I have felt an immense sense of pride at the initiatives that are being shared here - it is important that we can celebrate and build on programs and policies that work while we keep striving for safety for all Pacific women and children, across our Blue ocean of Peace," SG Waqa said.

SG Waqa was especially pleased to note the high level of local interest in the regional meetings around empowerment and equality for all. 

“We've met with partners in this work and touched on a range of issues related to the Pacific 2050 gender work, and the Leaders Declaration on Gender Equality. I have been considerably fortunate to have gained, through these discussions, an extra layer of understanding that I can now add to my knowledge of the gender challenges faced by Pacific women and children, at all levels," he said.

SG Waqa, Director of Policy Virginia Dawson, and advisers have also briefed the President of the Marshall Islands, HE Dr. Hilda C. Heine, and RMI Minister for Women, Jess Gasper Jr, as well as the PIFWLM Chair, Cook Islands Minister for Health, Internal Affairs and Agriculture, Vainetutai Rose Brown, on the arrangements for the Women Leaders meeting.
He noted the 3rd Forum Women Leaders Meeting will focus on clear outcomes to take to Forum Leaders in the coming weeks. 

“As I have stated earlier, our resilience as Pacific people is persistently tested by climate change, economic vulnerabilities, and social inequalities -- and while our situation as Smaller Islands States makes us especially vulnerable, it's also revealed our greatest strength,” SG Waqa stated, “We know that going it alone on these issues, is impossible. We must move together, as one Pacific family”. 

The 3rd Forum Women Leaders Meeting will focus on gender equality and social inclusion approaches to the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent. The PIF meeting will report on progress for outcomes of the last meeting, in 2023. –ENDS