FORUM MEETING OUTCOMES: 2024 Forum Foreign Ministers Meeting Outcomes Document

Ministerial Outcomes & Action Plans
14 August 2024

9 August 2024
Suva, Fiji 


The 2024 Forum Foreign Ministers Meeting (FFMM) was convened on 9 August 2024 at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat headquarters in Suva, Fiji, as well as virtually.

2. The meeting was chaired by Cook Islands and attended by Australia, the Federated States  of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, the Republic of Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. Guam and American Samoa attended as Forum Observers.

3. The Pacific Community (SPC), Pacific Islands Development Program (PIDP), Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO), and the University of the South Pacific (USP) attended as members of the Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific (CROP). The full List of Participants is attached at Annex A.

4. The Chair of the Meeting, the Honourable Mark Brown, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands, and Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum reaffirmed the importance of regional solidarity amidst the ever-increasing geostrategic interest, navigating the ongoing climate crisis and the managing emerging challenges, threats and opportunities. The Prime Minister congratulated the  Secretary General on his assumption of Office and reaffirmed the importance of reviewing and strengthening the way the region organises itself to progress our shared priorities. The full opening remarks by the Chair and the Secretary General are attached at Annex B and Annex C.

5. Foreign Ministers adopted the Provisional Annotated Agenda and Meeting Timetable at Annex D as revised, and established a Drafting Committee.

6. Foreign Ministers recognised the current geo-strategic environment and reaffirmed the  importance of the strong and committed leadership in the Region. Ministers acknowledged and  welcomed the transitions in the leadership of the Secretariat and discussed the importance of the  ongoing work on institutional strengthening at the Secretariat to ensure that it was robust, fit-for-purpose and responsive to member needs.

7. Foreign Ministers:
(i) acknowledged the service and contribution of the former Secretary General, Mr Henry Puna whose tenure ended in May 2024;

(ii) congratulated Secretary General Baron Waqa as well as Deputy Secretary General Desna Solofa on their recent appointments and welcomed them to their first meeting of the Forum Foreign Ministers; and

(iii) noted the update provided on the progress of work by the Secretariat for the first 
half of 2024.


8. Foreign Ministers considered an update on the work undertaken to develop the 2050 Strategy Baseline Report, including its Executive Summary and related Regional Collective Actions Snapshot. Ministers reaffirmed the importance of alignment to national development strategies as well as the Sustainable Development Goals and emphasised the need for clear monitoring and accountability processes, aligned to the 2050 Strategy Implementation Plan and its goals and outcomes. Ministers also considered the proposal for a peer-to-peer cooperation programme to support the implementation of the 2050 Strategy, noting that it provides an opportunity for members to look within the region to support capacity building and knowledge sharing initiatives among countries.

9. Foreign Ministers:
(i) commended the efforts undertaken to date on the development of the 2050 Strategy Baseline Report (2050 Baseline Report) and noted that the document is a work in progress;

(ii) emphasised the importance of a well-defined 2050 Baseline Report in guiding the implementation of the 2050 Strategy and further encouraged the consideration and reflection of progress towards deeper regional integration in the Report; and

(iii) subject to further refinement through Member consultation to ensure it captures the Leaders vision on regional integration and the clear prioritisation of Regional Collective Actions, endorsed the following for consideration by Forum Leaders:

(a) Executive Summary of the 2050 Baseline Report; and

(b) High-Level Summary of the 2024 Prioritised regional collective actions 

Peer to Peer Cooperation to Support the 2050 Strategy Implementation

(i) endorsed the Concept Note for a proposed regional peer-to-peer cooperation programme;

(ii) directed the Secretariat to undertake a comprehensive mapping of existing peer-to-peer initiatives in the region, to inform the design and focus of the proposed programme; and

(iii) tasked the Secretariat to present a programme that is informed by the lessons learnt of the Forum Compact and includes clear resourcing estimates, and programming principles, for endorsement by the Forum Officials Committee in December 2024.


10. Foreign Ministers considered an update on the work undertaken on the Review of the Regional Architecture (RRA) and in particular, the recommendations from Phase 2 Report on Strengthening Cooperation, Coordination and Coherence within the regional architecture. Ministers discussed the evolving regional environment and the need for the regional system to 
constantly adapt to the changing circumstances. Ministers emphasised the need to strengthen collective understanding on the roles and responsibilities of the wide range of partners engaged in the region and their mechanisms.

11. Foreign Ministers:
(i) commended the work undertaken on Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the RRA; and

(ii) endorsed the Phase 2 Report of the RRA and the draft Leaders Retreat Brief on the 
RRA, as revised.


12. Foreign Ministers considered the applications for associate member status by Guam and American Samoa. Ministers also considered presentations from the respective Lieutenant Governors of both Governments. Ministers discussed the value of strengthening linkages between the Pacific Islands Forum and the two Governments, recognising the kinship, culture and 
traditional linkages that they share with the broader Forum membership. Ministers welcomed the commitment to the 2050 Strategy by the Governments of Guam and American Samoa, and also noted the ongoing work on the RRA and its potential implications on this category within the Forum architecture.

13. Foreign Ministers:
(i) considered the applications by Guam and American Samoa, for Associate Member status to the Pacific Islands Forum;

(ii) affirmed the importance of the review of the Forum Associate Member and Forum Observer categories and criteria within the Forum Architecture, on the application of this status across the full Forum Architecture; and

(iii) supported in principle the conveyance of the applications to Forum Leaders for their decision.


14. Foreign Ministers considered an update on the assessment undertaken to fulfil the Leaders direction to explore the implications of a Forum presence in the United States. Ministers noted the ongoing work on the RRA, the ongoing change management process in the Secretariat as well as related resourcing options.

15. Foreign Ministers:
(i) noted the assessment undertaken, reaffirmed the strong regional presence of Forum Members at the United Nations, and further noted the ongoing support provided by the Governments of Australia and New Zealand to the representative of the Forum Chair in New York; and

(ii) recognised the ongoing organisational reforms and resourcing constraints within the Secretariat and agreed to maintain the status quo and continue to support strengthened coordination with multilateral organisations and the United Nations 
from the Secretariat Headquarters in Suva.


16. Foreign Ministers discussed the progress on the implementation of the Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific, including the Pacific Resilience Partnership (PRP). Ministers reaffirmed climate change as a cross-cutting issue and noted ongoing negotiations at the multilateral level. On the mid-term review of the PRP, Ministers welcomed the coordinated effort 
by members in partnership with the CROP, private sector and civil society.

17. Foreign Ministers noted the findings and recommendations from the FRDP mid-term review, and the progress achieved under the PRP


18. Foreign Ministers considered the discussions and the outcomes of the Forum Economic Ministers Meeting on the Pacific Resilience Facility.

19. Foreign Ministers:
(i) noted FEMM’s recommendation for Tonga to be the country of domicile for the Pacific Resilience Facility (PRF) to be considered for decision by Pacific Islands Forum Leaders;

(ii) discussed the options on the PRF legal structure and encouraged further member consultation to ensure that it is sustainable and credible, prior to consideration by Special FEMM and subsequent submission to Forum Leaders, if appropriate; and

(iii) noted the proposal for a Special FEMM to be tasked by Leaders to further consider the PRF and Pacific Roadmap for Economic Development (PRED) recommendations from FEMM.


20. Foreign Ministers welcomed the update from the Government of Tonga on the preparations for the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting to be convened in Tonga from 26 – 30 August, 2024.


New Caledonia – New Caledonia
21. Foreign Ministers:
(i) acknowledged the update by New Caledonia on the ongoing political situation in New Caledonia and expressed their sympathy and ongoing support to New Caledonia;

(ii) expressed the PIF's ongoing commitment to support a resolution to the situation, and agreed to institute the New Caledonia situation as a standing agenda item for Forum Leaders, at this time; and

(iii) reaffirmed the importance of the proposed high-level mission to New Caledonia led by the Forum Troika and noted the indication of support by France for the same. 

Ocean of Peace - Fiji

22. Foreign Ministers welcomed Fiji’s presentation on the concept of the Ocean of Peace and its alignment to the 2050 Strategy, the Boe Declaration, and the Biketawa Declaration and reaffirmed the importance of the principles enshrined in the paper and to further discuss and develop a draft Declaration for consideration by Leaders at the 54th Pacific Islands Forum in 
Honiara, Solomon Islands in 2025.

79th United Nations General Assembly Statement on Sea Level Rise - Tuvalu

23. Foreign Ministers emphasised the importance of continued advocacy and agreed to issue a strong Pacific Islands Forum statement for the United Nations General Assembly High Level Plenary Meeting on Sea-level Rise of which will be conveyed to Leaders for their consideration in Tonga.

Candidature for the UN Human Rights Council – Republic of the Marshall Islands

24. Foreign Ministers welcomed the update from the Republic of the Marshall Islands’ and reaffirmed their support for the RMI’s candidature for the Human Rights Council for the 2025 –2027 in October.

Pacific ICT Action Plan 2024 – 2030 – Lagatoi Declaration – Papua New Guinea

25. Foreign Ministers:
(i) noted the Lagatoi Declaration Pacific ICT and Digital Transformation Action Plan 2024 – 2030 which is designed to support and enhance the Thematic Area on Connectivity and Technology under the 2050 Strategy; and

(ii) recommended to Forum Leaders that the Pacific ICT Ministerial Dialogue be integrated within the Forum Architecture and directed the Forum Secretariat to work with Pacific ICT Senior Officials Dialogue on the development of a governance 
framework, taking into account the current RRA, for consideration and adoption at the 54th Pacific Islands Forum in 2025.

AUKUS – Australia

26. Foreign Ministers noted the update provided by Australia in relation to the Trilateral Partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States (AUKUS).

Reinstatement of the PIF Panel of Independent Experts on ALPS-treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant – Republic of the Marshall Islands

27. Foreign Ministers:
(i) noted ongoing concerns about the ALPS water discharge, which is projected to continue for the next 30 years, and recalled the 52nd PIF Leaders Communique and Statement on the Fukushima ALPS-Treated Wastewater issues and the PALM 10 

(ii) highlighted commitments to scientific evidence and compliance with international safety standards and practices, through engagement with the International Atomic Energy Agency, and support to build regional capacity and monitoring capabilities;

(iii) recalled Leaders’ acknowledgement of the work of the PIF Panel of Independent Experts and of efforts for scientific dialogue between the Panel and the IAEA, in line with PIF Members commitment to pursue independent guidance to interpret the 
scientific evidence as it becomes available; and

(iv) noted the proposal to reinstate the PIF Panel of Independent Experts regarding the discharge of ALPS treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and tasked the Secretariat to explore options, in consultation with members and the CROP, to seek a long-term approach to provide interpretation, guidance and assessment of scientific data on all nuclear-related discharge and contamination issues and report back to the Forum Officials Committee.

Pacific Policing Initiative – Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police

28. Foreign Ministers:
(i) welcomed the update on the Pacific Policing Initiative, commended the Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police (PICP) and agreed to convey it to Forum Leaders for consideration recognising also the need for further consultation at national level; and

(ii) noted the intention of the incoming Forum Chair to seek Leader’s endorsement and to request that PICP develop an implementation plan.

Health and Education – Tonga

29. Foreign Ministers welcomed the initiative by the Government of Tonga to elevate Health and Education to the Leaders agenda for consideration at the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum.


30. Foreign Ministers endorsed the Outcomes of the 2024 Forum Foreign Ministers Meeting.

Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Suva, Fiji
9 August 2024